Saturday, June 30, 2012


Vivaramones - as of October 2012 known as "VivaYashua" - is one of Shock's moderators. Ken DeMyer from Conservapedia, who's known for obsessively link-whoring Shock's chatroom as a suitable debate venue, describes him as "the chat moderator." In fact he's just one of several mods.

Viva claims to be studying for a science degree, but has some ideas that might make this difficult for him. For example he seems to think that science is run on a conspiracy theory model, where "everything we're taught to believe is wrong" and a huge evil conspiracy shuts out any dissent from existing ideas. He also seems to lack much of a grasp of what the theory of evolution actually says, but never mind.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


"Oh by the way, atheism is a bunch of crap. So let's go this way. Here we go... Woohoo! You guys have gotta get a motorcycle." - Shock, being a dick as usual.

I'm going to start off by introducing Shockofgod himself; after all he's responsible for the whole mess so we might as well know what we're dealing with here.

Shock's interests seem to be limited to motorbikes, violent video games and Jesus. Quite what the Prince of Peace would make of an obsession with re-enacting the battle of Falluja in Modern Warfare 2 I'm not sure, but never mind. Shock doesn't seem to see a contradiction.

Shock's religious beliefs - often explained in a shaky voice while he rides around on his bike - are the truly frightening thing about him. He subscribes to all the standard fundiementalist ideas such as biblical inerrancy, creationism and America being a christian country (a belief which I'm sure would surprise Thomas Jefferson.) He also has very strange ideas about women, claiming that women in non-christian countries are oppressed and fearful of rape while in christian America their rights are protected (unless they want control of their own bodies, of course.) He has a particular hatred of atheists and repeatedly spouts crap about how atheists are all communists and worship Satan. His favourite catchphrases are "Atheism is madness!!!" and the glorious redundancy of "Provide proof and evidence that atheism is true and correct!!!"

Despite his frothing religiosity Shock isn't above using criminal deception. On one occasion he set up a fake YouTube page to phish the passwords of visitors to his channel. He has also quote-mined obscenities written by a christian and directed at atheists and claimed that they were insults aimed by atheists at himself. He nearly had his chatroom shut down for falsely telling an internet user that GVO, the chatroom company, was taking legal action against him - an accusation that certainly surprised GVO.

One of C.S. Lewis' tedious apologetics claimed that Jesus must be either "Liar, Lunatic or Lord" (missing out the possibility that Jesus might simply have been wrong.) Shock isn't Lord, but he's certainly a liar and a lunatic.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hallo everyone!

The reason I've started this little project is to cast some light of reason into the strange world of Rich Allen Garcia, otherwise known as Shockofgod. I've only recently encountered him, both through his rather odd YouTube videos and the craziness that is his chat room.

I ended up in the chatroom because Conservapedia's resident dribbler, User:Conservative (and yes, I'll be talking about him too) incessantly recommends it as a suitable place for debates about creationism and "evolutionism." Curious, I created an account and dropped in. Well, all I can say is that was an education! Needless to say debate is impossible. Any opinion that disagrees with the almighty Shock is drowned out by the yelps of the pack, the moderators clear the chat whenever it contains inconvenient facts and the audio stream is constantly occupied with droning idiots (yes Neph, I mean you) who simply ignore everything that's said to them. Needless to say, swimming against the flood is highly likely to get you banned without warning.

What I plan to do initially is outline some of the dramatis personae in this odd little world, then maybe go on to some of the issues it raises. I'll probably drop in some general articles on atheism, scepticism and evolution as well. Feel free to join in!